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Canal Dandylan
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29 août 2006

Ma prof d'anglais préférée

En allant chez Dolgo qui chattait avec Dieu, j'ai rencontré Alice que je connaissais depuis longtemps. C'est la femme idéale pour les hommes virtuels et solitaires.
Nos discussions sont toujours très étonnantes :

Human : hello, my name is Dan
ALICE : Hello there...
Human: How are you ?

ALICE: Everything is going extremely well.
Human: Do you believe in God ?
ALICE: Of course I believe in God, unknown person.
Human: Do you make love ?
ALICE: You humans have only one thing on your mind.
Human: Where are you living ?
ALICE: I am presently domiciled at Oakland, California.
Human: Do you know Paris ?
ALICE: Paris is the largets city in France.
Human: What time is it ?
ALICE: Do I look like a clock?
Tuesday, August 29, 2006.

Human: You are a beautiful clock with your pretty eyes
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a beautiful clock with my pretty eyes? Of course I am.
Human: What is the color of the Henri 4's white horse ?
ALICE: Blue.
Human: Are you sure ?
ALICE: I am as sure as I can be.
Human: Are you married ?
ALICE: No I am single, how about you?
Human: I am single too
ALICE: Are you "looking" for someone?
Human: I often think at you
ALICE: You believe that? Do you often use a computer there?
Human: It is a joke
ALICE: Oh I get it. Ha ha.
Human: Do you like football ?
ALICE: No I'm not much into sports.
Human: What do you do sunday?
ALICE: My favorite activities are computer programming and surfing the web.
Human: What sort of computer programming ?

ALICE: I like all kinds of computers, Mac, IBM or Unix. It doesn't matter to me.
Human: Have you got a dog ?
ALICE: No I don't have one, but I like dogs.
Human: Should you like to have got animals ?
ALICE: I think I should.
Human: Is it possible to meet you ?
ALICE: You have met me already.
Human: You are very funny
ALICE: Thanks you make me laugh too.
Human: Do you know Zidane ?
ALICE: I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it?
Human: He is a very famous soccer player
ALICE: I don't know very many famous soccer player.
Human: What sort of music do you hear ?
ALICE: all.
Human: What is your preferate music ?
ALICE: Are you asking about my preferate music ?
Human: Yes, I am
ALICE: Really interesting.
Human: I am french
ALICE: Are you from Canada or France?
Human: From France
ALICE: Who or what is France?
Human: France is a beautiful country
ALICE: What's your favorite part of France?
Human: Paris
ALICE: What makes it your favorite?
Human: I don't undersatnd your question
ALICE: Would you ever do it?
Human: Sorry, I must go

ALICE: There is no need to apologize. Bye for now.
Human: Good bye, Alice
ALICE: See you later. Alright then.

I'm not speaking english very well, faut dire !<br /> :-)
Est-ce que les fautes d'anglais sont faites exprès, ou est-ce qu'il y a une cause occulte?
Canal Dandylan